How to bleach natural hair to 613 hair extensions

This year’s bleaching trend is accompanied by beautiful hairstyles, especially 613 hair extensions. These dyed hair colors necessitate multiple applications of bleaching to achieve the desired shade. Let’s take a look at the following blog to learn everything you need to know about bleaching natural hair to 613 hair extensions.


How to bleach natural hair to 613 hair extensions

Definition of 613 hair extensions

613 hair extensions is a type of hair color that experiences the process of using specialized chemicals to remove melanin from the hair, resulting in a lighter hair color. Skin, hair, and eyes all contain melanin, a dark pigment. The body contains melanin, and when it is lost, the hair will turn white or gray, and this will be the basis for dyeing colors like platinum, smoke, light colors, and so forth.



The more frequently you must use the bleaching method with a high concentration of concentrated detergent, the darker your hair must be to completely remove the color. To achieve a 613 hair extensions color, we must be careful when bleaching our natural hair. Additionally, dyeing or bleaching your hair will look much better with a curtain bang, so give it a shot!

Ways to bleach natural color to 613 hair extensions and tips to maintain it

The following will help you inquire how to beach natural hair to 613 hair extensions. 

Steps to bleach natural hair to 613 hair extensions color

The ideal 613 hair extensions can be obtained by following six simple steps.

  • Wear old clothes and gloves for the first step: If you don’t have old clothes on hand, don’t risk ruining your new ones with detergent. For this reason, it’s important to cover up with old clothing before bleaching natural hair to 613 hair extensions..
  • Split the tresses into sections: Section off your hair and secure it on top of your head with bobby pins. You can easily manipulate the hair in the back by using this method. Due to its challenging accessibility, the first volume of hair can only be styled this way.
  • In a bowl, combine the hair bleach and dy: There will be a bleach and dye mixture. Bleach must be mixed with dye aid in a ratio of two parts dye aid to one part bleach. Make sure the mixture isn’t clumpy by beating thoroughly.
  • Using a bleach, do this: Apply bleach to one strand of hair at a time, then repeat the process for the rest of the hair. Wrap your hair in a shower cap or plastic bag as soon as it’s all bleached. You should begin by applying bleach to the ends of your hair first, as they take longer to lighten your hairline than the middle lengths. At least 20 minutes after the bleach has been applied, apply bleach to the roots. To ensure uniformity, you can use this method.
  • Wait for the bleach to seep into your hair and then sit back and relax: To achieve a 613 hair extensions color, this is the most critical step, so give it your undivided attention! It’s now time to relax and see if the miracle happens! From 30 to 45 minutes is the maximum time for bleaching hair. Repeatedly check the color of your hair to see if it has reached the desired level. As long as your hair doesn’t turn an unnatural shade of orange, you’re fine. Before completing the process, be sure to confirm that the hair color is indeed the 613 hair extensions.

Tips to take care of 613 hair extensions

In order to maintain your daily routine after bleaching your hair 613, you’ll have to deal with a great deal of difficulty and difficulty. To begin, you should be aware that, in addition to being burned, the scalp can be easily damaged after being bleached. In addition, a daily hair care regimen is necessary. You must also be prepared for the worst-case scenarios when bleaching hair, such as hair shedding or hair loss, to ensure that you get the best results.


Tips for protecting your hair after bleaching are included here.

  •  Use a shampoo that matches the color of your hair, but don’t overdo it!
  • It’s time to jack up the conditioner!
  • Limit the number of times you blow-dry your hair
  • change your towels on a regular basis.

Queen Hair – The best 613 hair extensions vendor

Suppliers and salons around the world rely on Queen Hair’s reputation as best 613 hair extensions vendor, which they also produce and sell themselves. Queen Hair has a strong political base in the heart of Vietnam’s raw material, making delivery quick and easy.


  • To date, Queen Hair has grown tremendously because of our unmatched position in the Vietnamese hair industry. The Queen Hair production process has been refined and improved over time to ensure that we can provide the highest quality hair at the most affordable price to all of our customers.
  • Queen Hair will help your Nigerian hair salon succeed by providing factory-priced, high-quality Vietnamese 100 percent human hair extensions thanks to our loyal customers, whom we call “Queens.

We sincerely hope that the data we’ve provided here helps you in your search for reputable 613 hair extensions veondr. Please feel free to reach out to Queen Hair on whatsapp: +84844444829 (Ms Jessica) with any questions you may have. Our experts will be happy to assist you!