How much is hair color in a salon? – Big concern of hair lovers

The hair industry at the moment is bringing huge profits to those who trade them. A wide range of hair services are offered to meet the goals of the client and the revenue interests of the hair business. More and more people are interested in hair colors and want to use it to become more beautiful. However, the question that customers always ask: how much is hair color in a salon? In today’s article, let’s learn about the question: how much is hair color in a salon?

1, Definition of hair color affects how much is hair color in hair salon 

To answer the question: How much is hair color in a salon? First, let’s find out what hair color is. Hair color is understood as the hair that has undergone the dyeing process to get the color as desired and intended for use. Hair color has long been extremely popular with women, if in the past, women loved hair colors with deep colors such as brown, black brown, … then today, young women towards more vibrant colors: red, purple,… These are the things that have influenced how much is hair color in salon.

2, Factors affect how much hair color in a salon is

When it comes to the question: how much is hair color in a salon, if you think that all hair types will cost the same, you are wrong. There are many factors that affect the price of hair color. In this article, let’s find out

Dyeing products affect how much hair color in a salon is

The first thing that determines how much hair color in a salon is definitely the products used to dye hair. With each different hair dye product with different origin will affect the price of hair color. For example, French hair dye will be more expensive than Korean hair dye and so, the hair color of these two hair products will definitely be different. However, when interested in how much hair color is in a salon, you just need to choose the right hair dye product for you, without being too fussy and expensive.

Bright colors affect how much hair color in a salon is

The second factor to consider when wondering how much hair color is in a hair salon is the color that the customer wants to dye. For simple colors that do not need to be erased like brown tones, the average cost will be about 500 thousand VND, however, for complex colors, it is necessary to bleach and tone up many times such as purple, gray, etc. green, … then the price of hair color must be up to 3 4 or even 5 million VND. Therefore, when considering how much hair color is in a salon, you should also consider the color you will choose to be reasonable for the price.

Salon locations affect how much hair color in a salon is

Salon location is also a factor affecting how much hair color is in a hair salon. This is understandable, if any hair salon has better premises, a prime location, where people have high incomes like big cities, the price of hair color will certainly be much more expensive. In contrast, hair salons in low-income residential areas such as rural areas, the price will be reasonable or cheaper for customers. When considering the factors that affect how much hair color is in a hair salon, you should choose a reasonable hair salon for an affordable price.